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Naturalist Notebook

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Hand drawn image of honeysuckle, green leaves and small yellow flowers


By Rose Moore, Master Naturalist Usually, when the word “Honeysuckle” is mentioned among naturalists and gardeners, you get a look of pain. Yes, that word brings on an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion in me because I have to deal with the very invasive species of its kind on my property. Yet, in...
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question marks on blue, pink, yellow and orange post it notes

The Power of Questions

“Why”? This just might be the single most recognized question asked by children everywhere. This simple word can open the door to a world of discovery for a child and annoy parents all at the same time. Behold the power of questions. “We live in a world our questions create.” David Copperrider...
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sense of wonder

Sense of Wonder

One of the books I treasure the most and has made a lasting impression on me is Rachel Carson’s Sense of Wonder. This short book (originally written as a magazine article) is chocked full of memorable quotes and inspiration. For all of us navigating this new “normal” it is a poignant reminder of...
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lady journaling outside in a notebook

Adopt the Pace of Nature

 “Adopt the pace of nature, her secret is patience.” Ralph Waldo Emerson This quote brings me comfort during this unsettling time and it is a gentle reminder that nothing is permanent and that this too shall pass. Just take a look at nature. She has been asleep, resting and waiting these past...
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Old Trees

Old Trees

By Rose Moore, Master Naturalist It all started a month ago when I was working on a painting of Giant Sequoias after a trip I took recently to Yosemite National Park. In gathering information about these trees I discovered scientists believe the oldest specimen alive today is about 3,500 years old...
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leather journal and a pencil

Why Should You Draw in Your Journal?

Are you sketching in your journal? If not, maybe you should be. I know, you are thinking to yourself, “But I can’t draw.” Or “I can’t even do a stick figure.” Am I right? Whether you are good or bad at sketching is beside the point. The important part is the act of drawing, itself. Drawing is good...
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dirt path through trees

Walks of Discovery

By Rose Moore Master Naturalist – January 2020 One of the greatest pleasures I have in my daily outdoor adventures is discovering new things. Just because it is winter, there is no absence of wonders to be found. Recently, on a mild, snow - less morning, I decided to veer off my usual trails...
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Winter scene through a window

Right Outside Your Window

January is often the coldest and snowiest month of the year here in the Midwest. And sometimes it really is too cold to go out in the elements. Yes, I know last month I encouraged you to get outside but that was December and this is January and it’s a whole new kind of cold. So how do you keep your...
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Dark: A Poem by Cindy Owsley, Master Naturalist

Dark By Cindy Owsley   not really cold not really warm  ….. really dark   first October swim I can’t see but memory guides me   floating plants tickle feet squish in mud a fish flips   Owl hoo-ahs Katydids katydid Coyotes yip   cabin lights a return...
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woman and man making snow angels

Embracing Winter

Winter is my least favorite season. In fact, I would go as far as to say I really rather dislike it. The cold, bitter winds and snow are just not my thing. So you might think this month I would just say, “Stay inside. Don’t nature journal.” You would be mistaken. You see, while I dislike almost...
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