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Naturalist Notebook

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woman by lake

Exceptional Daily Moment

What are a few of the exceptional moments in your life? If you are like most people, you might recount the birth of a child, a promotion or wedding. But what about a moment from yesterday? Probably not on your list, right? The unfortunate reality is that we miss exceptional moments every day. We...
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Woman Nature Journaling

Find Your “Sit Spot”

How many of you, growing up, sat under a tree? Hid under a bush? When I was a young girl, with three, count them three younger sisters who annoyed me constantly, I would escape into the woods surrounding my home. Once there I would lean back against my favorite tree and simply sit and watch. Well...
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Nature Journaling Prompts for August

The heat and humidity are now in full force but you want to continue using your journal (you did start one last month, didn't you?). August is a great time to get out and practice your observation skills. Just maybe not in the heat of the day. I am sure that many of us think that observing just...
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Starting a Nature Journal

First, a quick definition of a nature journal. Similar to a personal diary, a nature journal is a place to record our observations and to reflect upon them, but unlike a diary, a nature journal is used specifically to record our observations of, and thoughts on, nature. But a funny thing may happen...
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My Footprint on Earth by Rose Moore

Since becoming a Master Naturalist, hardly a day goes by when I don't think of how my life affects the environment around me. These thoughts were recently brought to my attention when I stumbled upon a picture of the home I lived in when I was a child growing up in rural DuPage County. My family...
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Rocking by Cindy Owsley

RockingBy Cindy Owsley Sitting in my rocking chairin front of an expanse of glassthat looks out into the woods. A thermal cup with hazelnut coffeemuch too weak, white and sweetfor a true connoisseur. My calico companion sits on the sillwith an enthusiasm equal tobut much...
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Peace by Cindy Owsley

Peace By Cindy Owsley The need to be alone nearly equaled the need for a close friend's hug and so it seems that inertia prevailed.   I packed multiple armloads of hackberry all split and dried into the cold cabin and started a fire in the woodstove...
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A Path Well Traveled

For many years now, it has been a regular routine of mine to walk the many trails on our property on a daily basis. It doesn't matter what the time of year. In the depths of winter and height of summer, these trails reveal nature's wonders to me at all times. We established walking trails about 12...
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The year is coming to a close now and outdoor tasks are winding down as cooler weather moves in. The summer birds have gone to their winter homes and the chickadees, juncos, woodpeckers, and cardinals dominate the bird feeders. I delight in seeing these birds as much as their summer counterparts....
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Pumpkin Time

Autumn is a magical time of the year. Suddenly, as the air becomes crisp, the trees and other vegetation take on new and brilliant colors previously hidden in a green haze. It is one of my favorite times of the year. Even though it means an eventual end to the growing season, it still holds many...
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